

Daily Plan

Add github star repo to plan! 模仿gridmap_octomap–>interactivepc将octomap投影到nav_msgs/occupancy 2018-7 第一个周 搞懂ETHZ的gird map和运行Autoware效果,读...

Effective C++ by Scott Meyers

—————Deducing Types—————- 1. template type deduce The behaviour and purpose template<typename T> void f(ParamType param); f(expr); // deduce...

Cross Obstables

浮生如梦 All in all In words, control of the car is not accurate, planning of the car is not complete, and perspection of the car is not applicable. ...

Eigen LIB

Transform Rotate or transform a vector is the same with a matrix in the first place. Eigen::Vector3f trans_vec_A; //note that you have to create a...


安装 Method 1: github网站下载,编译成库文件 Method 2: 安装ros后就安装了yaml-cpp 读yaml文件 #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #...


小岛经济学 没有自由的失败,就没有自由的成功 Effective Modern C++ It’s been said that the truth shall set you free, but under the right circumstances, a well-chose li...

C++ 11/14/17

C++ 11//14/17关键字 using关键字 通常我们使用 typedef 定义别名的语法是:typedef 原名称 新名称;,但是对函数指针等别名的定义语法却不相同。 typedef int (*process)(void*); using process = int...

Grid Map developed by ETHz

Grid map can contain multiple map layers The following map is constructed with one layer called “elevation”. using namespace grid_map; GridMap map...