40+ TPO Notes

Posted by Bryan on August 29, 2019

TPO 40


hypothetical business plan 假设的商业计划
operate smoothly
food counters 食物柜台
bakery /’beikəri/ 面包店
layout of the place

portrait studio
schedule v
filling requests

it’d have a better chance of passing on its genes to the next generation before being caught
population collapse
privatization 私有化
result /zo:lt/ in better management
The US and Canada wanted to expel foreign trollers only in order to increase the number of their own fishing fleets
pass laws that regulate use of the resource


polis 城邦
aristocracy /,ærɪ’stɑkrəsi/ 贵族阶级
aristocratic /ə,rɪstə’krætɪk/ 贵族阶级的
protodemocratic 初始/原型民主
assembly 集会
fledge 长羽毛v fledgeling 刚长毛的鸟,初出茅庐的人
strangle 把…勒死v
stringlehold 束缚n
overrule 否决,驳回v
tyranny 暴政,专治n
tyrant 暴君n
interim 暂行,中间的
judge 法官
coinage 造币n
embellish 装饰v
sovereign/sɑvrɪn/ 至高无上的adj
judicial 司法的,公正的
superiority 优越,优越性n
superior 优秀的,上级的
inferior 差的,下级的
upstage 使相形见绌v
unfolding = show n
agenda schedule 安排计划

amphibian /æm’fɪbɪən/ 两栖动物
thermal 热的adj
metabolic 新陈代谢的adj
ambient 周围的adj
ambient temperature 环境温度
regulate 调节,校准v
Physiological 生理的
fluid 液体n 流动的adj
glucose 葡糖(等于dextrose)
acclimatization 水土服n
exhibit /ɪɡ’zɪbɪt/ 显示v
morphological 形态学的
permeable 能透过的
solar radiation 太阳辐射
polar 极线,极地的
film 薄膜,电影n
greasy film 油腻的薄膜
bask /bæsk/ 晒太阳v
hibernation or estivation /,iːstɪ’veɪʃən/ 冬眠和夏眠
frog and toad :frog 和蛤蟆
moist ground 潮湿的地面
long before … 在…以前很久
conductivity 导电性,生物传导性
evident 明显的
semiarid 半干旱的
burrow 挖地洞v
desiccation /,dɛsɪ’keʃən/ 干燥n
at mercy of 受…支配

TPO 41


the space is available.
field station 野外
independent study
salt marshes 盐沼泽
restore 恢复
restoration 修复n
spring term
monitor the level of stress
underneath roads

specialized adaptations 专门适应
succulent /’sʌkjələnt/ 多汁的 plant
seep 渗出v into the soil
the soid has to be saturated 饱满的
aren’t good at
plant: leaves stems roots
waxy outer layer
drought 干旱n
metabolism /mɛ’tæbəlɪzəm/ slows down dormant state 休眠状态

portray /pɔr’tre/ 描绘v
patron/ˈpeɪtrən/ 赞助人
patriotism /’petrɪətɪzəm/ 爱国主义
commemorate/kə’mɛməret/ 庆祝
anniversary 周年纪念
politically fractured country
national origin 国家起源
British colonial /kə’lonɪəl/ context
natural candidates 自然的候选人
entrepreneurial /,ɑntrəprə’njʊrɪəl/
opposed to the rule of kings and queens
purposes, mythical, reflection of the society
escape /skeip/
solitary individual 单独个体

poster 海报
pay minimum wage 支付最低工资
catalogue 目录,大学情况一览表
category 范畴,种类
qualify 取得资格
a whole section部门 on financial aid
librarian 图书管理员

[Analysing The Ownership Of Works Of Art]
a work of art
sign their work
you are sort of on the right track 你的思路是对的
individual alone
Renaissance 文艺复兴
a collaborative business 合作的事情
painter and sculptor /’skʌlptɚ/
a wide variety of commissions 大量佣金
apprentice /ə’prɛntɪs/ 学徒
master artist
a master sculptor
specialized in 专门研究
assistant 助手
marble 大理石 to be quarried 开凿
carpenter 木匠
mason /meisn/ 泥瓦匠
customary /’kʌstə’mɛri/ 习惯的
Instructions were given orally
written records
be trained not betrayed
architecture 建筑
There’s a division of labor 劳动分工

solar system 太阳系
host star 主恒星
carbon-based life 有机生命
gas giant 气态巨行星
rocky planet 相对于气态行星
an eventual goal
red dwarf star
20 light years away
mass 质量 massive 巨大的,厚重的


social fabic of American culture
in many respects
pulverized vegetable 蔬菜粉
sift 撒
paintings and chants 画和赞美诗
enlist 应募v
impersonate 扮演,模仿v
inhospitable 不热情友善的
rendition 演奏n
weave wove woven 编织
paradigm 范例
mythic mythical 神话的adj

Barter 物物交换
sporadic/spə’rædɪk/ 不定时发生的
reciprocity 相互作用
notion 概念
objection 发对
objective 目标n 客观的adj
Redistribution 重新分配
chef 厨师 chief 首领
flower 花,开花v
diversified 多样化的 varied
homogeneity 同质
brought about 引起
piracy 海盗、盗版
emergence 出现
emergency 紧急
obsidian/əb’sɪdɪən/ 黑曜石
grind maize 磨玉米
come into being 形成,产生

TPO 42


[Discussion About The Bauhaus]
electronic files 电子文件
computer virus/’vaɪrəs/ 电脑病毒
additional copies
class syllabus 教学大纲
economics major
fabric, sculpture, furniture, graphic design, paintings

[Distribution Of Galaxies]
cluster of galaxies
classification scheme 分类表
he could determine the different characteristics of clusters
richness and symmetry 丰富性和对称
symmetry just refers to its shape
sphere /sfɪə/ 球体n shape 球状
spherical 球形的
spiral 螺旋形的
asymmetrical /,esɪ’mɛtrɪkl/ 非对称的
radius /’reɪdɪəs/ 半径 radiate

[Find a Rehearsal Space]
rehearsal /rɪ’hɝsl/ 排演n
university activities coordinator
for the time being 当下
upper level
scramble for sth. 争抢某物
because of the rhythm
carpet carpeting 毛毯

enzyme /’ɛnzaɪm/ 酶
a substance in their cell wall
is found in abundance(not abandon)
exoskeleton skeleton
filament: thread-like structure 细丝
pull out of the soil sth.
chemical bonds
soil ecosystem
safely dispose处置 of all pollutants
harvest them
sole purpose
cultivate mushroom
antibiotic 抗生素n/adj
mercury 汞,水星
zinc 锌
industrial processes
we can potentially harvest them and then once for all safely dispose of the pollutants contained within them.

[Service Failures]
intangibles 无形的
career counseling 职业规划
customer’s need
computer malfunction
car rental agency
service ‘industry
Your plan must be in place
encompass = include 包围
everyone was complaining
appease/i:/ us 安抚我们
things went smoothly
come to your attention
it is gonna cost your company some money that you are going have to account for in your budget.

[Greek And Roman Statues]
polychrome 多彩的
monochrome 单色的
Greek and Roman
pigment 色素
mineral-based paint 油漆n,画v
disintegrated 分解
weather 天气n,风化v weather away
cloak 斗篷
garment 服装


population 种群
separation 分开
follow its own evolutionary course 进程
allopatric speciation 分区物种形成
formidable /’fɔrmɪdəbl/ 强大的,可怕的
coyote /kaɪˈoti, ˈkaɪˌot/ 北美小狼
hinder 阻碍v
a deep canyon 深峡谷
with a shorter tail that is white underneath 尾巴短且下面是白的
give rise to 引起 bring about 引起
the Galapagos Islands 加拉帕格斯群岛
dispersion 散布,离散
stray 流浪v 流浪者n
ride-rode/rid-ridden/rid 骑
cling 附着v to their feathers
beak /bik/ 鸟嘴
founder population 初始的种群

[Explaining Dinosaur Extinction]
constipation /’kɑnstə’peʃən/ 便秘
indi/i/’gestion 消化不良
speculation(投机)/guesswork 猜测
plankton 浮游生物
clam snail
squid 鱿鱼 aquatic 水生的
plummet /’plʌmɪt/ 下坠
comet/’kɒmɪt/ or asteroid/’æstərɔɪd/
level 拉平v
excavate 挖掘
crater火山口 craft船

[Callisto and Ganymede] (木卫四和木卫三)
outermost 最外的,最远的
revolve 旋转
resolve 溶解
differentiate 分化(这里是分层的意思)
flyby 低空飞过某区域n
deform 变形
terrestrial /tə’rɛstrɪəl/ 地球的,陆生的
territory /’terɪt(ə)rɪ/ 领土
mantle 覆盖v,地幔n
crust 地壳
tectonic /tɛk’tɑnɪk/ 地壳构造上的

TPO 43


[Leaves turn color]
converts this energy into sugar
classic explanation

[Electromagnetic Waves]
travel through a vacuum
physical medium 实际中间媒介
media 媒介


[The Empire Of Alexander The Great]
movement of peoples 民族运动
disffusion 扩散,传播
fusion 融合,融化
city-state 城邦
agora /’æɡərə/ 市场,集会
qualify 有资格v
jack-of-all-trades 杂而不精的人, 万事通,多面手
specialization 专门化
afterlife 来世n
invoke 祈求,引起
make prophecies/’prɑfəsi/ 预言
morality 道德,品行
mortality 死亡率,死亡数
conscience 良心
receptive to 接受

[The Origin Of Petroleum]
disagreement 不一致,争议
caught 捕捉,身陷
shale 页岩
continental shelves 大陆架
component 化合物
aquifers /’ækwɪfɚ/ 含水层
reservoir 水库
permeable 可穿透渗透的
carbonate 碳酸盐
porous 多孔渗水的,有气孔的
segregate /’sɛɡrɪɡet/ 使隔离v

[From Fish to Terrestrial Vertebrates]
terrestrial 陆生的,地球的
tetrapod 四足动物
arthropod /’ɑrθrə,pɑd/ 节肢动物
backbones 脊柱
radiate 流露,辐射v
freshwater 淡水
fin 鱼鳍
delta 三角洲
oxidize 使氧化
gill 鳃
lung 肺
cross section 横截面,横切面
carcass /’kɑrkəs/ 尸体
saclike 囊状的
cavity 腔,洞
gut 肠子,胆量
gulp/ɡʌlp/ air 大口地吸空气
fleshy 肉的
sturdy 强健的
feeble 无力的
flop 笨拙移动v
stubby 粗而硬的
amphibian 两栖动物
progressively 日渐增多地
impetus /’ɪmpɪtəs/ 动力,促进n
skeletal 骨骼的
vertebral 脊椎的
vertebrate 脊椎动物

TPO 44


[Discussion About The Monthly Exhibition]
gallery review committee
drip 滴v
drip the paint onto the canvas instead of using a brush
imitate 模仿

[The Structure of Theater]
a wooden platform
costume 戏服
prop 小道具
orchestra: chorus /ˈkɔːrəs/ 合唱队
acoustic 声学的
ironic /aɪˈrɑːnɪk/ 讽刺的
binocular 望远镜

[New Guinea]
cradles /ˈkreɪdl/ 发源地
domesticated 家养的
deforestation /ˌdiːˌfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn/ 毁林
forest /ˈfɔːrɪst/
many plant remains like seeds and fruits don’t preserve well in swampy soils, in humid environments
sediment samples from the soil
ditch 壕沟
first phase
mound /maʊnd/ 坟堆
wet soil
taro /’tærəʊ/ 芋头
egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteriən/ 平等主义n/adj

[Renewable Energy Sources]
harness 背带,马具n,利用v
rise and fall
estuary 河口
submerge 淹没v
mudflat 泥滩
recede 减弱,撤回v
churn /tʃɜːrn/ up the sediment 搅拌
stir up 搅拌


[The Use Of The Camera Obscura]
curse 诅咒
cursor 光标
precursor 先驱
camera obscura 暗箱,针孔照相机
The image of the illuminated area outside the enclosure is thrown upside down 来自箱外接受光照的图像构成倒影
Aristotle /’æristɔtl/ 亚里士多德
convex lens 凸透镜
Mirrors were also used to reverse the projected images to their original positions 镜子的使用也使得倒立的投影变为正常
optics 光学
roof beams 横梁
floor tiles 地板砖
sketch 素描
scheme 计划,计划表
intricate 复杂的,精细的
garment 服装

derive = obtain 获得,源于
confine = limit 限制v,边界n
detrimental = harmful 不利的
submerge 淹没v
are collectively called 统称为
patch 小块土地
meadow 牧场
mound /maʊnd/ 堆n 堆起v
carpet 地毯
in turn 反过来
damp 潮湿的 阻尼
dampen 使潮湿,抑制
debris /dəˈbri/ 残骸
detrital material 碎屑
anaerobic 厌氧的
algae /’ældʒi/ 藻类
turbidity 浊度
scour /skaʊr/ 冲刷,擦亮
uproot 根除,连根拔起

TPO 45


[Techniques used during the Renaissance]
secular/ˈsekjələr/ point of view 世俗的观点
religious or secular
paint portraits 画肖像
captivate 使着迷 the audience
visualize 形象化 figure’s bones and structure
accurate /ˈækjə(r)ət/ paralleled to each other

[Early Pottery]
ceramic/səˈræmɪk/(n,adj) vessel 陶器
in the Arctic 在北极
nomadic /no’mædɪk/ 游牧的
culinary /ˈkʌlɪneri/ 烹饪的
interplay of contrasts
defrost 解冻
extreme climate
ventilation 通风


remnants 剩余n, 剩余的adj
botany 植物学
zoology 动物学

[Wind Pollination]
considerable 相当大的, 重要的,值得考虑的
powdery 粉末状的
pollination /ˌpɑləˈneʃən/ 授粉作用n
pollinate 授粉v
pollution 污染
primitive 原始的
drawback 缺点,不利条件
dominant 占优势的,支配统治的
be bound to 必然,一定要
dispense 分发,免除
dispense with 免除,省掉
disperse 分散开
nectar 花蜜
scent 气味
impede 阻碍 阻止
impediment 阻碍,口吃
deciduous 落叶的
conifer 松柏科植物
no wonder = no surprise
allergy 过敏
whisk 拂,掸,迅速带走

[Feeding Strategies In The Ocean]
expend 花费
expand 扩大
expenditure 费用
get the last calorie out of their diet 尽力消化吸收食物
carnivore 食肉动物
immense 巨大的
plankton 浮游生物
anatomical /,ænə’tɑmɪkl/ structure 解剖结构
organism 生物体,有机体
algae /’ældʒi/ 藻类
larval 幼虫期的
lava 火山岩浆
crustacean /krʌ’steʃən/ 甲壳纲动物
phytoplankton 浮游生物中的植物
filament /’fɪləmənt/ 细丝,单纤维
an energetically demanding method of feeding 一种非常费力的摄食方法
scarcity 缺乏n
forage 搜寻v, 饲料n
predatory 食肉的,掠夺的
entangle 使卷入,使纠缠
tangible 有形的
tentacle 触角
elongated 拉长的,细长的
dislocate 脱臼v
gulp 大口吃

TPO 46


[swarm intelligence]
cohesively /kəu’hi:sivli/ 团结地,一起地
forage food
practical use for humans
movie industry

[preference in portrait painting]
lithography /lɪˈθɑːɡrəfi/ 平版印刷术n

[using old newspaper to finish the term paper]
explode 爆炸
cotton fiber
online archive
if it’s done, it’ll probably save you time.
a particular event
French national constituent assembly
history conference
Newspaper covered the revolution
editorial 社论的,adj编辑n

[copper and the penny]
the cost of minting a coin is more than the coin’s face value.
five-cent increments
sidewalk 人行道
merchant /ˈmɜːrtʃənt/ 商人
consumer goods 生活日用品
copper industry suffer financially
superb conductor of electricity
wires 电线
superior alloying /ˈæ ə’lɔɪŋ/ properties
trumpet /ˈtrʌmpɪt/ or a trombone /trɑːmˈboʊn/
brass/bræs/ is an alloy of copper and zinc.
resists corrosion
a green film, called a patina/pəˈtiːnə/ 铜绿
halt any further corrosion
desalination 脱盐

TPO 47


[background knowledge of a concert]
orchestra 管弦乐队
audition 试演,试唱,面试v/n
double bass 低音琴 play the double bass
scholarly prospective 学术前瞻性
specialize in 擅长
lyric 歌词
rhythm 旋律
a real antique
folk /o/ music

dictate 口述,命令v/n
French Academy 法国科学院
conservative organization 保守组织
neoclassical 新古典主义的
convoluted /’kɑnvə,lʊt/ storyline 复杂的故事线
its premiere/prɪˈmɪr,prɪˈmjɪr/
anything but ×
convention 惯例,大会 of neoclassicism 新古典主义
rebel against
inherited from Greek drama(not great)
long before neoclassicism 早在新古典主义之前
genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ 流派
a sense of decorum 礼貌
like not in disguise or anything 不伪装什么的
comic 喜剧的,滑稽的 comedy
outlandish /aʊtˈlændɪʃ/ 古怪的 characters like clowns
bizarre character 古怪的角色
ideological struggle 思想斗争
free-for-all 混战,自由放任
went on 继续

[Sports management]
manage the budge
delegate responsibility
minor things 小事
assistant coach 助理教练
physical education department
enthusiastic 热心的
rules get in the way of leadership
rules box sb. in

[the role of wind]
meteorology /ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒi/ 气象学
the land heats up faster than the ocean
equatorial /ˌiːkwəˈtɔːriəl/ regions
it can deposit it as rain or snow
precipitation = sediment = deposit
gaseous form
raise the temperature of the water vapor


[Termite Ingenuity]
ingenious 独创的,机灵的 = clever
morphosis 形态行成n
metamorphosis 变形
larva 幼虫
consort (统治者的)配偶
desiccate/’dɛsɪ,ket/ 变干
optimum 最优
subterranean 地下的
burrow 挖掘,住在洞里v
frost 结霜n,v
saliva 唾液
ventilate /ˈventɪleɪt/ 使通风v
cellar 地下室
attic 阁楼,顶楼

[Termite Ingenuity]
utensil 器皿
utilitarian 功利主义的
mundane 世俗的,平凡的
aesthetic 审美的
literally 毫不夸张地
amply 充分地 ample 丰富的
lavish 丰富的,浪费的
pretension 自负
provincial 地方性的,偏狭的
likewise 同样的
amass 积累v
enclose 附上
fortify 增强(防御工事)
epitomize /ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz/ 成为。。。缩影v
dominate v
dominant 占优势的adj
Supremacy was accentuated/əkˈsentʃueɪt/加强 by the unyielding不屈的 straight lines

[Coral Reefs]
pertinent /ˈpɜːrtnənt/ 相关的 = relevant
complex 复合体 = system
coral reef 珊瑚礁
substratum /ˈsʌbstreɪtəm/ 基础
render 致使,提供
river-borne sediment 河里产生的沉淀
the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁
fringing 边缘 reef 岸礁
uneven 不均匀
subsidence 沉淀
subside 平息,沉淀v
subsidy 补贴,津贴n
put forward this theory
submarine 潜水艇,海底生物
siltation 淤积n
dredge 疏浚v

TPO 48


[get a new campus job]
academic interests
janitorial /,dʒænɪ’tɔːrɪəl/ 护卫,保洁

[formation of some special volcanos]
volcano 火山
tectonic plates(地球表面的)构造板块
plate tectonics 板块构造论
sliding over 侧滑
rocky crust 地壳岩石
molten rock 融化岩石
continental or oceanic /ˌoʊʃiˈænɪk/ plate
magma, molten rock or lava
plume 地幔柱,飘升之物
planet’s interior
burning candle
dormant or extinct 休眠或消失
Incidentally 偶然地
ocean floor
observe/əbˈzɜːrv/ (not absorb/æbˈzɔrb/)
volcano anomaly /əˈnɑːməli/ 异常,反常的事物n
alternative theory
gets stretched thinner and thinner
phenomenon 现象
random cracks

[20th century photography in the USA]
color film 彩色影片
blow pictures up 放大图片
neither /i:/
crop images 修建图片
flower petal 花瓣
isolated from
by their predecessors, by their contemporaries
in‘terpretation 解释
juxtapose(not just oppose)并列,并置
compel 强迫v compelling 引人注目的

[symbiotic relationship]
caterpillar 毛毛虫,履带车
symbiotic 共生的
in different fields 领域
mutualistic relationship
the presence of ants
Their interaction with ants is obligatory
pheromones: a special chemical signal
caterpillars: the newly hatched butterflies
attended or escorted/ˈeskɔːrt/ 护送
a honey gland, an organ that secretes an amino acid and carbohydrate liquid
feed on 以..为食

[how business leaders get political power in 19th]
an agricultural to an industrial base
business giants n
ore 矿石
from the mine to the mill
directe the activities 领导运动
strengthen the economy 经济
generosity /ˌdʒenəˈrɑːsəti/ 慷慨n


[Determining Dinosaur Diet]
canine 犬科的,犬的
claw 爪子
shred 用碎纸机撕碎
occlude 阻塞v
at one time 曾经,一度
embryonic 胚胎的
body cavity 体腔
cannibal 食人者,吃同类的n
cannibalistic 同类相食的
coprolite 粪化石
unequivocal 明确的adj
equivocal 模棱两可的

[Chinese Population Growth]
attribute 属性n,归功于v = credit
mid-1700 18世纪中叶
a startling face 令人吃惊的事实
aggregate 集合,合计v/n
fertilizer 肥料

[Climate and Urban Development](difficult)
outskirt 市郊,郊区
pronounce 发音,断言v
pronouced 显著的,断然的
asphalt 沥青
retard 延迟,阻碍
rural area = countryside
take record
outpour 流出
condense 浓缩,凝结
precipitation 沉淀,冰雹,降水
downwind 顺风,在下风 adj,adv

TPO 49


excavation site
a bit tougher to interpret than the other two
a bronze cauldron/ˈkɔːldrən/大锅 was copied in ceramic

permafrost 永久冻土
thaw lake 融化,解冻v/n
ice wedge
contract = shrick
perpendicular 垂直的
the waves are diverted to the sides
drain 排水,排干


[Ancient Coastlines]
sheer 陡峭的,绝对的
neolithic 新石器的
Paleolithic 旧石器的
submerged 在水下的
silt 淤泥n,淤塞v
deposit 存款,沉淀v
flora and fauna 植物和动物
isolated and insular areas 孤立隔绝的区域 irreversible 不可逆的
reversible 可逆的
remnant = remained
isostatic uplift 地壳均衡抬起上升
tectonic movement 地壳构造上的移动
pebble 鹅卵石
dune /djuːn/ 沙丘
comprise 包含
inundation 洪水泛滥
landmass 大陆
mollusc 软体动物
ice sheets 冰原,冰盖

[Movable Type]
movable type 活字印刷
culmination /ˌkʌlmɪˈneɪʃn/ 高潮
Antiquity Ages – Middle Ages – Modern Ages
8BC – 6AD 5AD – 15AD 15AD – NOW

Antiquity Ages:

  • Ancient Greek
  • Ancient Roman
    Middle Ages:
  • Early Middle Ages
  • High Middle Ages: Renaissance
  • Late Middle Ages:Black Death

supplement 补充,增补
parchment 羊皮纸
mill 磨坊,工厂
contract 收缩,契约
merit 优点
mold 发霉,模子
impose vi. 利用;欺骗;施加影响 vt. 强加;征税;以…欺骗
rudimentary 基本的,粗糙的,原始的
momentum 势头,动量[物理]
monument 纪念碑
typeface 铅字字型
Gothic 哥特式的
initiative 主动性n 主动的adj
occurrence 事件,出现

[Background for the Industrial Revolution]
favorable to 对…有利
endow with 具有
tariff /ˈtærɪf/ 关税
conducive to 有益于
condictive 有传导性
precursor 先驱
marshes and fens 沼泽
enclosure movement 圈地运动
graze 放牧

[Star Death]
readily 容易地,乐意地
give off light
nuclear fusion 核聚变
nuclear fission 核裂变
by-product 副产品
a positive proton and a neutral neutron 正电质子和中电中子
stellar 星的,恒星的
halo 光环
cosmos 宇宙

TPO 50


[straw poll]
straw poll 测试民意的投票
informal ballot 非正式投票
vote 投票v
paper ballot 纸质投票n
my schedule is so jammed
local ballot 当地的投票
ban smoking in restaurants
In regular elections, the vast majority of voters ignore referenda.
referenda 普通投票
vote for candidates 候选人
referendum voting rate 全面公决 投票率

[ancient egyptian glass]
bronze age 青铜时代
Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚
crushed quartz
powder 粉末n
metallic dye 金属染料
beads == precious stones
royal family 皇家
friendly mutual trade
transparent mineral 透明矿物

[American Realism]
the civil war 内战
science/scientific method
rational philosophy
factual analysis 实事求是的分析
industrialism and urbanization
analogy 类比
authentic speaking styles 真实的讲话风格
narrator’s objectivity
historical aspects of the works 作品
a contrast to 对比

petroleum /pəˈtroʊliəm/ 石油n
fossil fuels 化石燃料
coal cold
Earth’s crusts
algae - one-cell marine plants
gets covered by sediment
crude oil 原油
refinery refine
asphalt 沥青
synthetic fiber 合成纤维

TPO 51


[Memphis: United Egypt’s First Capital]

  1. recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
  2. be fully aware of; realize fully

sanction 赞同n
apex 顶点
incorporate 合并,吸收v
corporate 共同的,公司的adj
conduit 导管,沟渠n
artery 动脉
vein 静脉,血管
topography 地势,地形学
outwash 冰水沉积,冲蚀,消融
wadi (stream-beds or channels that carry water only during rainy periods) 干河床
prominent feature
constriction 收缩n
constrict 收缩,束紧v
contract 收缩,感染,订约v
vicinity 邻近n
preoccupation 全神贯注,当务之急n
pasturage 放牧n
pasture 放牧v
alluvial arable land (land suitable for growing crops)
/əˈluːviəl/ /ˈærəbl/
冲积的 适于耕种的

[Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth]
fluid 流体n,流动的adj :gas,liquid
conform to the shape of their containers
hydrosphere 水圈
terrestrial 陆地的,陆生的
endow 天生具有v
carbon dioxide
rift 裂缝n,使断裂v
raft 筏n,筏运v
hydrologic 水文的
hydrogen 氢
probe 探查
ultraviolet rays broke the molecules apart
weather 风干,使褪色v,天气n
erode 腐蚀v
crater 火山口,弹坑
magma, lava 岩浆
crust 地壳
crack 爆裂v,裂缝n
scour 冲刷v
fine 细小的,精美的
loess 黄土

[Population Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe]
sanitation /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn/ 环境卫生
inspection /ɪnˈspekʃn/ 视察,检查
enlightened 开明的
remediation 补救n
remedy 补救,纠正v
germ 胚芽,细菌
noxious /ˈnɒkʃəs/ 有害的
sewer 裁缝师,下水道
exemplary 典范的
example 实例
crusade /kruːˈseɪd/ 改革运动;十字军东侵n
provision 规定,条款,供应品
customary 习惯的
custom 习惯,风俗,海关


[Maize and Teosinte]
botany 植物学
superficially /ˌsuːpərˈfɪʃəli/ 表面的
corn == maize
chromosome 染色体
this hybrid is fertile /ˈfɝtəl/ 可以生育的
brittle 脆弱的
it’s a pretty impressive feat 壮举,功绩
the western hemisphere 西半球
residue 残渣

[Trip to the New York City]
freight 货运
abandon/ ban
train line

[Biology Experiment Reproduction]
camouflage 伪装,掩饰n/v
opposite/si/ to dispute the theory 质疑理论
moth /mɔːθ/ and butterfly 飞蛾和蝴蝶
square and rectangular adj
deter 制止,阻止v

[Audubon the Famous Illustrator]
illustrator 插画画家
dedication 奉献
meticulous /məˈtɪkjələs/ 一丝不苟的
pastel 彩色粉笔
crayon 蜡笔
paper / canvas
scribble /ˈskrɪbl/ 乱写,乱涂v/n
foremost 最重要的/地
critics 批评家n(pl)
vulture /ˈvʌltʃər/ 秃鹫
hybridization 杂交

[Heliocentric Theory]

TPO 52


[Stream Deposit]
a winding stream 蜿蜒的小溪
boulder/cobble 卵石
competence 能力,胜任
wane 退潮,衰落v/n
settle out 沉淀出来
fine particle 细粒
gravel 碎石,砂砾
overlie 在上面覆盖一层v
tributary 支流,附属国
abrasion /əˈbreɪʒn/ 磨损n
wear away 磨损,消逝
grind 磨碎v
the lower parts of most rivers 下游
incline 倾向于v, 斜面n
bar 障碍,酒吧,棒,砂坝即细长条的泥沙堆积物,
elongate 拉长,使延长v
transient /ˈtrænziənt/ 短暂的
recharge 再充电,再装填v
braid 发辫,变成带子n
back and forth 反复,来回地
glacial /ˈɡleɪʃl/ 冰的
glacier 冰川
arid semiarid 干旱/半干旱

[Natufian Culture]
Mediterranean /ˌmɛdətəˈreɪniən/ 地中海n,地中海的
Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛
sickle 镰刀
cereal serious 【读音】
wear 磨损n/v,耐久性
hook 钩
cultivate 培养
forage 觅食,搜寻
predecessor 前辈
bead 珠子
gemstone 宝石
ornamentation /ˌɔːrnəmenˈteɪʃn/ 装饰物
ethnic 种族的 ethic 伦理的
grave 墓穴n,重大的,严肃的,黯淡的adj
aridity /əˈrɪdəti/ 干旱,乏味n
rising population
preservative 防腐剂,防腐的

[Early Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa]
fringe 边缘,刘海
yam 山药
sprout 发芽v
graft 嫁接v
pastoral 牧民的
modest 谦虚的,适度的
pasture /æ/ 牧草,牧场
subsist 维持生活v
fallow 休耕的,不活跃的
haphazard = random, accidental
inundate /ˈɪnʌndeɪt/ 淹没v
frontier 前沿,国界


[ozone and snowflakes]
snowflake 雪花
ozone /ˈoʊzoʊn/ 臭氧
depletion /dɪˈpliːʃn/ 消耗,损耗n
physics 物理
water vapor 水蒸气
a pretty humid atmosphere
ice crystal 冰晶
hexagonal /hekˈsæɡənl/ 六边形 six-sided adj
quantity 量,数量
quasi-liquid 外表的,准的,类似的-液态的
the molecules bond together
exterior/die/ of the ice
Think of (举例说明某个东西)
bricks in the wall
stratosphere /ˈstrætəsfɪə/ 同温层
good ozone (连读)
these reactions cause certain chemicals to be released.

[Selling Self-made Ceramic Bowls]
ceramic /səˈræmɪk/ 陶制的adj,陶器n
preferred vendors 首选供应商
art and crafts
emporium /emˈpɔːriəm/ 商场
consignment 委托,运送
display case 展示柜
lower their risk
retail price 零售价格
craft/a:/ fair 手工艺品展销

[Maya Civilization]
inland /’ɪnlənd/ 内陆的
prominent 突出显著的
Large-scale excavation 发掘
collapse 瓦解,倒塌
ceramic artifacts 陶瓷工件
economic /ekəˈnɒmɪk/ adj
economy /ɪˈkɑnəmɪ/ n
metal work

TPO 53


[Saturn’s Rings]
Saturn /ˈsætɜːrn/ 土星
coalesce /ˌkoʊəˈles/ into … 聚成。。。
swirling cloud
darken 使变暗,使模糊
pristine /ˈprɪstiːn/ 干净的;未开发的
the jewel of the solar system
planetary formation
spiral down 螺旋式下降
magnetic field
replenish 再装满
plenish 给..装备
alter a moon’s orbit
debris/di’bri/ from that collision
tidal /ˈtaɪdl/ force: not title
rip apart 撕碎
disintegrate /dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ 分解
complex organic molecules, carbon-based molecules

[The History of Tea]
amateur /’æmə.tʃʊr/ 业余的adj,n hygiene 卫生
impulse /ˈɪmpols/ 冲动
meet the growing demand
intricate formal ritual
beverage 饮料
scholar 学者
scholarship 奖学金
commercial 商业的
foresee 预见
perspective 远见
record /rekəd/
smuggle /ˈsmʌɡl/ 走私v
royalty 贵族

[Welcome to Cafeteria]
The building is way across campus
lab 实验室
I did fill out a suggestion card
hot cereal 热麦片
food advisory committee


[Paleolithic Cave Paintings]
plausible 貌似真实,有理的
prompt 导致,促进v,敏捷的adj
Paleolithic era 旧石器时代
sheer 绝对的adj,完全地adv sheer joy
accomplished artists 成功的艺术家
proliferation 增殖,扩散n
innumerable 数不清的adj
repertoire 全部节目
reptile 爬行动物
incident 事件n,附带的adj
incidence 发生率,影响范围,入射n
appear to 似乎
stout 结实的,强有力的
scout 侦查n/v
disregard 忽视,不理n
in recess 休息,暂停
nook 隐蔽处
cranny 裂缝
stark 完全的,荒凉的
ample time 充足的时间
lie with 取决于,与。。有关
sympathetic empathic 移情作用的
pathetic 可怜的
virtually 几乎地

[Rain Forest Soils]
leach 过滤,萃取v
ion 离子
cation 阳离子
phosphorus 磷
aluminum 铝
microbe 微生物
deleterious /ˌdeləˈtɪriəs/ 有害的,有毒的
oxide 氧化物
biomass 生物量
decay 衰减,腐败v
multitudinous 大量的,群集的
dilute 稀释的adj,稀释v
dilate 膨胀v
legume 豆科植物

[Evidence of the Earliest Writing]
cuneiform /ˈkjuːnɪfɔːrm/ 楔形n/adj
preliterate 文字出现之前的
token 代币,记号,标记,符号
wedge 锲入v
cylinder 气缸,圆柱状
sphere 球状n/adj
conical 圆锥状的adj
impress 打上印,使印象v
miniature 微型的,缩图
bracelet 手镯
garment 服装
likewise 同样的adv
pictographs 象形文字
priest 神父n
priestly 祭祀的adj
immense 无限的
immerse v
social differentiation 社会分化
monotonous /məˈnɑːtənəs/ 单调的
tally 计数
drudgery 苦工,苦差事

TOP 54


[Migration of Zooplankton]
stimulus 刺激n
stimulate 仿真
light up 照亮
correlation 相关
pigment 色素
conserve energy 保留能力
digest /dɪˈdʒest/

[Story Theater]
next assignment you talked about in class
folk/ou/ or fairy tales
narrate /næreit/ 叙述
narrator /ˈnærətɚ/ 叙事者
disillusioned 醒悟的
relevant 相关的
symbolize 用符号表现
turmoil /ˈtɜːrmɔɪl/ 骚乱
bother 打扰
dramatic 戏剧的,引人注目的
drama 戏剧
story theater is a departure from traditional dramatic theater with its realistic elaborate props/o/ and scenery.


[Elements of Life]
condense 浓缩,凝结
solar system 太阳系
liquid 液体的
planetesimals – planets, moons, asteroids, and comets
星子 – 行星、 卫星、 小行星 和彗星
rule out 排除,取消
acid酸 arid干旱的
intact 完整的
subsurface 地下的
medium 培养基

[The Commercialization of Lumber]
pine 松树
timber 木材
lumber 木材n,伐木v
full-fledged 羽毛丰满的
calculating approach 精明的方法
firewood 柴火,木柴
saw 锯v/n
log 原木n,采伐v
neutralize /ˈnjuːtrəlaɪz/ 抵消,使中和v
thaw /θɔː/ 解冻v
sprinkle 洒,下小雨v/n
ponder 仔细考虑v
tortuous 扭曲的

[Overkill of the North American Megafauna]
megafauna 巨型动物
distinctive 有特色的,与众不同的
drastic 猛烈的
genus(s.) - genera(pl.) 属(动物)
influx 流入,汇集n
burgeon 萌芽,迅速增长v burgeoning 增长的adj
paucity 缺乏n
minuscule proportion 极小的比例
points out 指出,指明
herbivore 食草动物


表示某观点(提出问题,点题):a topic/an issue
表示观点的名词:opinion/persperctive/standpoint/point of view/idea