Daily English

Posted by Bryan on October 17, 2018


temperament deficient deficiency If you have a fixed mindset, you would think about failure for lack of capacity. For example, if IQ determinds people’s success in their lives, the unchangeable intelligence will make people hide their deficiency. People just want to show they are smart and not dumb but they do not learn to improve themselves. On the contrary, people with grown mindset would think a failure as no success just for now. They may think the current problem with grown insight.


How a belief that your qualities are carved in stone leads to a host of thoughts and actions, and how a belief that your qualities can be cultivated leads to a host of different thoughts and actions, taking you down to a different road. If reorienting your mindset, them personal revolution may happen to you.

It is reported that people with grown mindset have more accurate estimation about themselves than ones with fixed mindset. Author sets out to see men with fixed mindset misestimate their ability and performance. Grown mindset can produce important ingredients called perseverance and resilience in creative achievement.


Fix maindsets would put an end to exuberant leanrings. It makes people think intelligence and talent is fix and could not grow up through learning. However, in an experiment, children with challengable mindset reject doing the same puzzles one after another. They’d like to try something new. In another experiment, people with fixed mindset just feel themselves smart in the short run, instead of seizing the chance to learn English which they are not good at. People with fixed mindsets pay close attention to the information proving them smart, but only for people with grown mindsets are learning a priority.


Each of us is faced with a blizzard of situations we must respond to. Without principles we would be forced to respond to all the things life throws at us individually, as if we were experiencing each of them for the first time. So it is important to be clear about what your principles are. You can gain principles from religons, from your parents, or from other strange people. But you should understand what principle is suitable for your nature and your goals. If you summon up the courage to find out what principle is best for yourselve, you will make the best of yout life.


First of all, I want to cite the book:
Time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that require us to make decisions. We can’t stop our movement down this river and we can’t avoid those encounters. We can only approach them in the best possible way. Author fears boredom and mediocrity more than he fears failure. Author chooses a different path from oridinary people, but he with oridinary people has innate strength and weakness. How can he achieve the distinctive? Author is experiencing something different from us and thinks a lot after failure, I think.


kind of culmination of the lifelong dream!
We just look at the mountains ahead of us, and forget the mountains behind us were just as hard to climb.


Legends, however, are generally the result of exaggeration.
Keep your expectations grounded.


  1. up for Are you up for going out tonight?
    I am up for sth. means I am willing to do
    The same is be down to do
    I am down to go outside == I want to go outside
  2. run into I ran into my teacher last night. means I met my teacher by chance.
  3. turn on He turns me on. means he is attractive to me
    The similar is She turns me off means I don’t find her attractive
  4. get away with How did you get away with that? 逃离脱身
    Most native speakers usually drop t when saying ge(t) away with
  5. put up with sb tolerate sb



As the individual matures, that overt talking to oneself becomes covert talking to oneself, but thinking still shows up as a laryngeal habit.
Thinking is identical with the activity of muscles.
There are charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.

The artists were highly skilled at using, or even enhancing, the natural shape of the cave walls to give depth and perspectives to their drawings, the sense of motion and vitality in these animals.
Was it for their religion, magic or sheer beauty?
There are charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the paintings were made.

The National Endowment for the Arts was created.
The government made it attractive for them to do so, by offering corporations tax”-“incentives to support the arts.
But they only succeeded in taking away about half the annual budget.

It seems a little all over the place, but from farther away, the true path shows and in the end it justifies all the turns along the way.
We can explore its analogy with the transmission of genes.
longevity, fecundity and fidelity
housefly alligator
function as == act as

crater meteor crust basin diameter comets perpetually evaporation
tail of passing comets
lunar missions
water molecules
orbit around the moon’s equator
the layer beneath the crust
there’s probably ice there

How do you determine whether the painting’s authentic?
art historian
pigments ingredient deteriorated
binding agent infrared microscope
ultraviolet light
zinc or lead
it’s not invasive
dissolve the paint and uncover the original

[Literature] orally communal realistic authoritative audience discovered
written version
Not before undergoing a process of evolution. Now, a number of things happen when an oral tale gets written down.

career fair
flyers and posters
recruit new employee
tailor your questions to the particular company

hysterical or irrational boom

laundry detergent
enzymes ravage specimen
close to the vest
severe acute respiratory syndrome
pragmatic and grounded

[Biology-class] seed dispersal
dispersal disperse fossil hectare germinate expire decline rainforest

[Linguistics-class] dialect
Dialect accommodation is a more manageable sort of topic.

Pupils with highest marks receive status and credentials.
We teach each young person the same subjects in mostly the same ways, irrespective of individual talents and preferences.
e’lite students climb confidently until they reach a level of competition sufficiently intense to beat their dream of them.
Higher education is the place where people who have a big plan in high school get stuck in fierce rivalries with equally smart peers.
For the privilege of being turned into conformists, they pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in skyrocketing tuition that continues to outpace inflation.

I wish I have asked myself when I was younger.
with the benefit of hindsight
depostion 沉积物、证词 take depositions and draft business deals 起草商业交易
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” — William Arthur Ward

European theater
in a particular order
logical exposition
walk out on a stage feuding families
inciting incident
It sets off the plot of the play.
the reversals of fortune(命运) continue
emotional pleasure

[biology-class] Echolocation is pretty self-explanatory
sound waves
navigation and orientation
The bat emits these ultrasonic pulses
echoes bounce back
beating their wings
In fact, we kind of assumed that they were filtering a lot out, the way a sophisticated radar system can ignore echoes from stationary objects on the ground. Radar does this to remove ground clutter, information about hills or buildings that it doesn’t need.

come to the student orientation
interlibrary loan service
They are in a separate room where the temperature is controlled

basal slip (sleep)
slipping and sliding
accross bedrock
pressure (precious)
the pressure coming from the weight of the overlying ice
thin layer
This layer of water reduces friction as a lubricant.
ice is brittle

birch bark
natural resources of the forests
many different types of soils
utensil (餐具)
if you peel birch bark in the winter, we call it “the winter bark”
secure it with cords
maneuverable portage
to form alliances
natural waterways

first let’s recap
some of these factors are removed
habitat destruction
feeds on small shellfish, insects and plants
shallow depression
dense shrubs, bushes
forests wood

it groups elements into categories that share certain properties
The number of protons(质子) in each atom of an element
synthesize an element
radioactive element
spontaneous fission
ore samples

sb. was literate
quartz[ko:z] clear rock
independent discovery
judge and doctor

angiosperm 被子植物
lichen 青苔
fern 蕨类植物 spore 孢子
algae 藻类
dormant 休眠的
hibernate 冬眠v
flora 植物群
fauna 动物群
molten 熔化的
symbiosis 共生

paucity 缺少
flourish 繁荣
utilitarian 功利的
inhibitions 阻碍、抑制
vaguely 模糊的
as opposed to 截然相反
compelling 引人注目的,令人信服的
justify 证明

corridor 走廊
crumble 崩溃
watercraft 船只
proponent 支持者 propone 支持v
caribou 北美驯鹿
impetus 动力,促进n
inflexibly 不屈的,执拗的adv

microbe 微生物
tundra (苔原) has two layer: active layer and permafrost.
permafrost 永久冻土
vegetation 植被
plant 植物
impermeable 不可渗透过的
deep root 根深
interfere with their growth 干扰生长
result[zo:] in
microbes, microscopic organisms
nitrogen 氮
nutrient 营养物
nutrition 营养学
precipitation 沉淀
insulating 隔热的
thaw[o:] 融化v
etc/ɪt’sɛtərə, ɛt-/ 等等
soil windy

instigate 唆使v
status 身份,状态
porcelain 瓷器
pottery 陶器
ceramic 制陶业
ritual 仪式n,adj rival rivalry
ware 器皿
religious 宗教的,修道士
glaze 上釉v
Dynasty 第一个音节
delineate 描绘
ornament 装饰n,v
motif 动机 第二个音节
oxide 氧化物
spout 喷水口
religious and secular context

Arabian Peninsula 阿拉伯半岛
pretty desolate 第一个音节 荒凉的
monsoon 第二个音节 季风
rain soaked(浸入) the Empty Quater
barren 荒凉的
limestone formation 石灰岩构建
butte [ju:] 孤立的丘 hill 山丘
torrent 奔流(第一个音节) torrential 猛烈如注的(第二个音节)
sand dune/djuːn/ 山丘
other types of particles
clay 黏土 silt 淤泥
full of hollows and ridges(山脊)

discrete 不连续的 discreteness n
discreet 谨慎的
prairie /’prɛri/ dogs 北美的草原土拨鼠/草原犬鼠 are not actually dogs but a type of rodent/’rodnt/.
particularly in primates /’praɪmet/ 灵长目动物
pragmatic function 语用功能、实用功能
peculiar /pɪ’kjulɪɚ/特有adj/n
adjective /’ædʒɪktɪv/
high-pitched/t/ barks 声调高的叫声
the discrete units that make up language can be put together in different ways.
language is abstract enough that we can talk about things that aren’t present here and now.
show any inclination to describe sth.
abstract /’æbstrækt/
aren’t /’a:rnt/

rural 乡下的
urban 城市的
land reclamation /,rɛklə’meʃən/ 土地开垦
surplus 顺差 盈余
intrinsic part
woolens and textile 毛料衣服和纺织品
cottage 农舍小屋 cotton 棉花
Members of poor peasant families spun(spin) or wove(weave) cloth and linens/’lɪnɪn/(亚麻布) at home for scant(不足的) remuneration /rɪ,mjunə’reʃən/ (报酬) in an attempt to supplement /’sʌplɪmənt/ meager/’migɚ/(贫乏的;瘦的) family income.
indicate == show
promissory 约定的,许诺的
infusion 灌输 注入n == influx
fusion 融合,核聚变
joint 关节,连接

catch the flavor of the month and be trendy
Keep up with trends, even think about how your work might fit in with them, but don’t mindlessly follow them.
stay true to do
it is so much more at stake ?
get stuff exhibited
on hand == readily available, present

whale wave
evolved from 由。。进化而来
land creatures
skull: the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates
aquatic mammals/creatures
the ear area of the skull
limb /lim/ 肢 lime 石灰
long th/f/in tail
DNA is the genetic/dʒi’netik/ code for any organism.
contradict 矛盾
sperm whales and killer whales 抹香鲸和虎鲸

Asia /ˈeɪʒə/
squash 把……压扁v 南瓜属植物n
Italian dishes 意大利菜
Nightshade family 茄科植物
a category of plants
tobacco 烟草
inedible/ɪn’ɛdəbl/ 不能吃的
a scholar who was way ahead of his time in many ways
He didn’t let the conventional thinking of his day restrain his ideas.
as a matter of fact
subsist /səb’sɪst/ on grains
Mediterranean Sea

employee in the university bookstore
at the beginning of the semester
for a full refund
specific courses 专项课程
this fall semester
in full gear/gɪə/ 如火如荼进行
the policies are generally pretty rigid
on the syllabus /’sɪləbəs/ 在教学大纲上
I am really intrigued 我很感兴趣

impose on 利用,强迫,施加影响
derive 源自于,获得
artificial 人造的,虚假的
nestling 雏鸟
nestle /’nɛsl/ 依偎;舒适地坐
cheep 吱吱的叫声n
raccoon 浣熊
swallow 燕子n,吞下v
pinpoint 精确找到
vigorously 精神旺盛地
outweigh 比…有价值
deprive 剥夺,使丧失
The answer lies apparently not in the increased energy costs of exaggerated begging—such energy costs are small relative to the potential gain in calories—but rather in the damage that any successful cheater would do to its siblings, which share genes with one another. An individual’s success in propagating his or her genes can be affected by more than just his or her own personal reproductive success. Because close relatives have many of the same genes, animals that harm their close relatives may in effect be destroying some of their own genes. Therefore, a begging nestling that secures food at the expense of its siblings might actually leave behind fewer copies of its genes overall than it might otherwise.