Eigen LIB

Posted by Bryan on September 4, 2018


Rotate or transform a vector is the same with a matrix in the first place.

Eigen::Vector3f trans_vec_A;
//note that you have to create a Translation because multiplying a 
//Transform with a vector will _apply_ the transform to the vector
Eigen::Translation<float,3> translation_A(trans_vec_A);
Eigen::Quaternionf rotation_B;
Eigen::Quaternionf rotation_C;
Eigen::Quaternionf rotation_D;
Eigen::Vector3f trans_vec_E;
Eigen::Translation<float,3> translation_E(trans_vec_E);
Eigen::Transform<float,3,Affine> combined = 
      translation_A * rotation_B * rotation_C * rotation_D * translation_E;

{Note that} combined = A*B*C*D*E, so combined applied to a vector v is combined*v = A*B*C*D*E*v = A*(B*(C*(D*(E*v)))). Another way (not verified) to transform a matrix as shown

Transform<float, 3, Affine> t = Transform<float, 3, Affine>::Identity();
t.rotate(AngleAxisf(0.25f * M_PI, Vector3f::UnitX()));
t.translate(Vector3f(1.5, 10.2, -5.1));

If apply a vector or matri to the transformation, like t * v. And a third method (not verified) of 3Drotation is

Vector3f w = //rotation axis
Vector3f c = // center of rotation
Affine3f A = Translation3f(c) * AngleAxisf(theta, w) * Translation3f(-c); // Affine3f is Eigen::Transform<>
// it encapsulates a Matrix4f that you get with A.matrix()
Eigen::VectorXd p = A * v;

And the fourth way (proved) to rotate 2D matrix is

Matrix2f m;
m = Eigen::Rotation2Df(heading); // rad
Eigen::matrixXd p = m * v;


For dynamic matrix or vector, the error wil be shown like that, if the matrix or vector are not assigned memory before. The error will be shown:

Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar& Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::operator()(Eigen::Index) 
[with Derived = Eigen::Matrix<double, -1, 1>; Eigen::DenseCoeffsBase<Derived, 1>::Scalar = double; Eigen::Index = long int]:
Assertion `index >= 0 && index < size()'

So the right operation is assign memory before assign value, like,

#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
MatrixXd A(3,3);
VectorXd B(3);
// the back of << should have 9 elements
A << 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
// the back of << should have 3 elements
B << 1,2,3;

Initialize matrix

  1. Initialized with initialized_list If C++11 is enabled, fixed-size column or row vectors of arbitrary size can be initialized by passing an arbitrary number of coefficients:
    Matrix<int, 5, 1> b {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};// A row-vector containing the elements {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    Matrix<int, 1, 5> c = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};// A column vector containing the elements {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
  2. Initialized with std::vector The basic format is like Matrix (const Scalar *data) and std::vector has the following characteristics:
    T* data();
    const T* data() const;

    Returns pointer to the underlying array serving as element storage. The pointer is such that range [data(); data() + size()] is always a valid range, even if the container is empty.
    In conclusion, we can intialize matrix with the following:

    // implicit
    std::vector<int> v1{1,2,3};
    Eigen::VectorXd v2(v1.data());
    Eigen::VectorXd v2(v1.data(), 3);
    // explicit
    double *pt = &v1[0];
    Eigen::map<Eigen::VectorXd> v2(pt, 1);// size = 1
    Eigen::VectorXd v2 = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd, Eigen::Unaligned>(v1.data(), v1.size());

In the general case of matrices and vectors with either fixed or runtime sizes, coefficients have to be grouped by rows and passed as an initializer list of initializer list:

MatrixXd a {  //construct a 2x2 matrix
      {1,2},  // first row
      {3,4}   // second row

Coefficient accessors

m(index) is not restricted to vectors, it is also available for general matrices, meaning index-based access in the array of coefficients. This however depends on the matrix’s storage order.
The operator[] is also overloaded for index-based access only in vectors.

Inheritance of Matrix

The inheritance diagram for Matrix or Array looks as follows:

  <-- DenseCoeffsBase<Matrix>    (direct access case)
    <-- DenseBase<Matrix>
      <-- MatrixBase<Matrix>
        <-- PlainObjectBase<Matrix>    (matrix case)
          <-- Matrix
          <-- Array
  <– DiagonalBase<DiagonalMatrix>
    <– DiagonalMatrix

Storage order for Eigen matrices

All Eigen matrices default to column-major storage order, but this can be changed to row-major, see Storage orders.

Matrix<int, 3, 4, RowMajor> Arowmajor;
Matrix<int, 3, 4, ColMajor> Arowmajor;
for(int i = 0; i < Arowmajor.size(); ++i){
      std::cout << *(Arowmajor.data() + i) << std::endl;

Eigen defaults to storing the entry in column-major. Eigen library may well work best with column-major matrices.

pitfall of Eigen

The following 1 to 7 are common pitfalls when using Eigen

  1. Compilation error with template methods
    The template and typename keywords in C++
  2. Aliasing
    Matrix multiplication is the only operation in Eigen that assumes aliasing by default. What is aliasing? Aliasing means temporary copy type in general. If matA is a squared matrix, then the statement matA = matA * matA; is safe. All other operations in Eigen assume that there are no aliasing problems, such as a = a.transpose() is forbidden. You should add aliasing to it: a = a.transpose().eval().
  3. Alignment Issues (runtime assertion)
    Explanation of the assertion on unaligned arrays
  4. C++11 and the auto keyword
    In short: do not use the auto keywords with Eigen’s expressions. In particularlly, do not use the auto keyword as a replacement for a Matrix<> type.
    MatrixXd A = ..., B = ...;
    auto C = A*B;
    MatrixXd R1 = C;
    A = ...;
    MatrixXd R2 = C;

    In this example, the type of C is not a MatrixXd but an abstract expression representing a matrix product and storing references to A and B. So R1 ≠ R2.

  5. Header Issues (failure to compile)
    A method in a class may require an additional #include over what the class itself requires! For example, if you want to use the cross() method on a vector (it computes a cross-product) then you need to:
  6. Ternary operator
    In short: avoid the use of the ternary operator (COND ? THEN : ELSE) with Eigen’s expressions.
  7. Pass-by-value
    In short, do not use pass-by-value in Eigen. Passing Eigen objects by value to functions
    Passing objects by value is almost always a very bad idea in C++, as this means useless copies, and one should pass them by reference instead.

Debug Eigen on clion or visual studio

In Eigen Open Source, there are two directories, which are for gdb for Linux and Microsoft VS. On VS, right click on solution manager, and then add existing item called eigen.natvis in debug/msvc directory. You can debug Eigen projects and inspect values of Eigen library.
Because Clion uses default compiler, gdb, and then how to debug Eigen in Clion? First, add file called .gdbinit, and add following content to the file.

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/mypath/including/printers.py/directory/suchas/debug/gdb')
from printers import register_eigen_printers
register_eigen_printers (None)

Eigen Slicing

Eigen provides a possibility offered by operator () to index sub-set of rows and columns. This API is introduced in Eigen 3.4. It supports all the features proposed by the block API, such as, head(n), tail(n), segment(i,n), topLeftCorner(p, q), topRows(q) and so on. In particular, it supports slicing as shown in the following:

Block operation Version constructing a dynamic-size block expression Version constructing a fixed-size block expression
Bottom-left corner starting at row i with n columns A(seq(i,last), seqN(0,n)) A.bottomLeftCorner(A.rows()-i,n)
Block starting at i,j having m rows, and n columns A(seqN(i,m), seqN(i,n) A.block(i,j,m,n)
Block starting at i0,j0 and ending at i1,j1 A(seq(i0,i1), seq(j0,j1) A.block(i0,j0,i1-i0+1,j1-j0+1)
Even columns of A A(all, seq(0,last,2)) None
First n odd rows A A(seqN(1,n,2), all) None
The last past one column A(all, last-1) A.col(A.cols()-2)
The middle row A(last/2,all) A.row((A.rows()-1)/2)
Last elements of v starting at i v(seq(i,last)) v.tail(v.size()-i)
Last n elements of v v(seq(last+1-n,last)) v.tail(n)

Eigen Version

At compile-time you have EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION, EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION and EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION, you can easily embed this information in your application. 3.1.91 sounds like a beta version of 3.2. The version number macros are defined in Macros.h located at eigen3\Eigen\src\Core\util\.

Another way is to use command called pkg-config --modversion eigen3, and the result will be EIGEN_WORLD_VERSION . EIGEN_MAJOR_VERSION . EIGEN_MINOR_VERSION, such as 3.2.92.

Combine two vector to one matrix

Eigen::VectorXd fpxx(5);
Eigen::VectorXd fpyy(5);
Eigen::MatrixXd xy_joined(2, fpxx.size());
xy_joined.row(0) = fpxx;
xy_joined.row(1) = fpyy;

Eigen element wise operation

we may prefer to apply an operation to a matrix element-wise. This can be done by asking Eigen to treat the matrix as a general array by invoking the array(). For example,

M.array().square(); // square every element of the matrix
M.array() <= N.array();
N = M * 2 // same with M.array() * 2