2018 CPP Coding Techniques

Posted by Bryan on July 5, 2017


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 -pthread")

# vscode debug mode

# OpenCV is not install in default location, if not delete that.
set(OPENCV_DIR "/home/inin/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild/install/share/OpenCV")
# optional conditions like the following line
set(OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS "/home/opencv/install/include")
# Find OpenCV at the default location
find_package(OpenCV 3.3.1 REQUIRED)
set(OpenCV_LIBS opencv_core opencv_imgproc opencv_highgui)

# Find PCL
# lowcase common and io, correspond to libpcl_common,libpcl_io.so, both files are located in ${PCL_COMMON_LIBRARY}
find_package(PCL 1.3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS common io)

# Find Boost
# asio.h
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS thread system date_time)

# Find Vimba(no .cmake or .pc, not pkg-config)
#Another way to find dynamic lib
find_library(vimba VimbaCPP /opt/Vimba2.0/VimbaCPP/DynamicLib/x86_64bit)

# Find OsqpEigen

# Find pthread on Linux
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)

# Add source directory
aux_source_directory("./src" SRC_LIST)
# Add exectuteable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SRC_LIST})
# set(OpenCV_LIBRARIES ${OpenCV_LIBS}) is content of OpenCVConfig.cmake
# sometimes OpenCV_LIBRARIES is the same with OpenCV_LIBS
libVimbaCPP.so #Find Vimba
${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} #for Pthread_create etc

这里主要想说的是OpenCV如果作死不装在默认路径上(/usr/local/),需要指定.cmake 位置
然后把.cmake copy 到工程根目录下

C++数据结构 (*). == ->

c++ 文件结构


#ifndef __hull__
#define __hull__ #endif


// argv[1] is the input path, char* type
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
using namespace boost::filesystem;
for (auto i = directory_iterator(string(argv[1])); i != directory_iterator(); i++)
        if (!is_directory(i->path()))
		string p_a = i->path().filename().string();
            cout << string(argv[1]) + "/" + p_a << endl;


// read-mode
std::ifstream infile;
string s;
while(infile >> s) //读取一个word
//while(std::getline(infile, s)) //读取一行


 std::ofstream onfile;
 double x = 80.90809;
 onfile.open("absolute dir", std::ios::app);


ios::in 打开文件进行读操作,即读取文件中的数据
ios::out 打开文件进行写操作,即输出数据到文件中
ios::ate 打开文件时文件指针指向文件末尾,但是你可以在文件中的任何地方写数据
ios::app 打开文件不会清空数据,文件指针始终在文件末尾,因此只能在文件末尾写数据
ios:trunc 默认,若打开文件已存在,测清空文件的内容
ios::nocreate 若打开文件不存在则不建立,返回打开失败信息
ios::noreplace 打开文件时不能覆盖,若文件存在测返回打开失败信息
ios::binary 打开文件为二进制文件,否则为文本文件
注: ate 是 at end 的缩写,trunc是truncate(截断)的缩写,app是append(追加)的缩写

C++ split()

// use find

std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s, char seperator){
	std::vector<std::string> output;
	std::string::size_type prev_pos = 0, pos = 0;
	while ((pos = s.find(seperator, pos)) != std::string::npos)
		std::string substring(s.substr(prev_pos, pos - prev_pos));
		prev_pos = ++pos;
	output.push_back(s.substr(prev_pos, pos - prev_pos)); // Last word
	return output;
// use find_first_of and find_first_not_of
std::vector<string> split(string& s, const string& delimiter){
	int prev_pos = 0;
	int pos = 0;
        vector<string> output;
	pos = s.find_first_not_of(delimiter, prev_pos);
	prev_pos = s.find_first_of(delimiter, pos);
	while (prev_pos != string::npos || pos != string::npos){
		output.push_back(s.substr(pos, prev_pos - pos));
		pos = s.find_first_not_of(delimiter, prev_pos);
		prev_pos = s.find_first_of(delimiter, pos);

	return output;

Better way to use Boost Library, for example,

string line("test\ttest2\ttest3");
vector<string> strs;

cout << "* size of the vector: " << strs.size() << endl;    
for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++)
    cout << strs[i] << endl;

遍历一个vector v

for(auto iterator = v.begin(); iterator != v.end(); ++iterator)
		double a = *iterator

遍历一个vector< vector > v

for(auto iterator = v.begin(); iterator != v.end(); ++iterator)
	double b = (*iterator)[3]//取每个vector中的第四个元素
	for(auto iter = (*iterator).begin(); iter != (*iterator).end(); ++iter)
		double a = *iter//取每个vector中的每个vector的每个元素

平面点集表示 vector<pair<double, double»

使用std::vector point(每个string的 形式为 "3.5,12.3" 形式)填满point_num

for (vector<string>::iterator ite = point.begin(); ite != point.end(); ++ite)
		// xy=split(*ite, ',');
		a = *ite;
		xy = split(a, ',');
		double x = atof(xy.at(0).c_str());
		double y = atof(xy.at(1).c_str());
		point_num.push_back(std::make_pair(x, y));


for (auto iter1 = point_num.begin(); iter1 != point_num.end(); ++iter1)
		double first_number = iter1->first
		double second_number = iter2->first


struct POINT
	double x;
	double y;
	bool value = false;
	POINT(double a = 0, double b = 0) { x = a; y = b; } //constructor   

POINT ch[100];
std::vector< pair<double,double> > point_hull;
for (auto ite = ch; ite->value != false; ++ite)
		point_hull.push_back(std::make_pair(ite->x, ite->y));
		//make_pair 会将后面接的数字强制转化为double型

设置Timer using Boost

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
int main()
    boost::asio::io_service io;
	  boost::asio::deadline_timer t(io, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));//boost::posix_time::seconds(5)
          // process your IO here - not sure how long your IO takes, so you may need to adjust your timer
    return 0;

打印Timer using C++11

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
int main(){
    auto start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
    // do something
    auto end = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

    std::chrono::duration<double> elapsed_seconds = end - start;
    std::time_t end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(end);

    std::cout << "finished computation at " << std::ctime(&end_time)
              << "elapsed time: " << elapsed_seconds.count() << "s\n";
    return 0;

Virtual Function

Overhead is virtual function table.

C++ six components

template achievement

C++ template is similar to macro in C, but macro is a kind of text replacement without type or syntax checking. Compiler will produce a class with certain type in compiling time for a C++ template. For instance, template<typename T> class A may be instanciated to A_T in compiling time. Since that, member function in template class are usually inline. That means that declaration and definition should be existed both.
C++ template class specialization doesn’t copy generic template class content to specialized template. In fact, the specialized class is indenpendent to generic template class. At this point, it is different with C++ inheritance.

template <typename T> class TypeToID
    static int const NotID = -2;
template <> class TypeToID<float>
    static int const ID = 1;
void PrintID()
    cout << "ID of float: " << TypeToID<float>::ID << endl; // Print "1"
    cout << "NotID of float: " << TypeToID<float>::NotID << endl; // Error! TypeToID<float>使用的特化的类,这个类的实现没有NotID这个成员。
    cout << "ID of double: " << TypeToID<double>::ID << endl; // Error! TypeToID<double>是由模板类实例化出来的,它只有NotID,没有ID这个成员。

C++ name resolution

Simply saying, name resolution in C++ consists of two phase, dependent name or independent on T. The first phase resolves independent name in template definition, such as void fool(const T){// no relation with T} and the second occurs in template instanciation to dependent name like *template class A{}*.

typename in template

If a type should be confirmed to a type in template instanciation not in template definition, then typename should be adopted.

class Y {
        typedef X<T>     _D;          // X 的内部,既然外部高枕无忧,内部更不用说了
        typedef X<T>::Y  _E;          // 嗯,这里也没问题,编译器知道Y就是当前的类型,
                                      // 这里在VS2015上会有错,需要添加 typename,
                                      // Clang 上顺利通过。
        typedef typename X<T*>::Y _F; // 这个居然要加 typename!
                                      // 因为,X<T*>和X<T>不一样哦,
                                      // 它可能会在实例化的时候被别的偏特化给抢过去实现了。
typedef typename B<T>::type _I;

Variadic Template

template <typename... Ts> class tuple;


std/boost库中的 enable_if 是 SFINAE 最直接也是最主要的应用。所以我们通过下面 enable_if 的例子,来深入理解一下 SFINAE 在模板编程中的作用。

STL components

  • container:vector
  • iterator
  • generic_algorithm:for_each()
  • allocator: template < class T, class Alloc = allocator > class vector;
  • container adaptor

Some of containers provide sequential storage:

  1. vector: random access, varying length, constant time delete/insert at end
  2. deque:random access, varying length, constant time delete/insert at either end
  3. list:linear time access, varying length, constant time delete/insert anywhere in list
  4. stack:container adaptor, encapsulate list or deque
  5. queue:container adaptor, encapsulate list or deque
  6. priority_queue:一般vector为底层容器,堆heap为处理规则来管理底层容器实现
  7. set,multiset, map, multimap:红黑树为其底层数据结构

Constant iterator must be used when object is const – typically for parameters, for example,

void ivecPrint(const vector<int> V, ostream& Out){
	vector<int>::const_iterator It;

Abstract Class

Abstract means no implementation, namely, cannot be instantiated (no object), but can be used as a base class. What is abstract in C++? In short, if a class includes pure virtual functions, then it is an abstract function. Classes that can be used to instantiate objects are called concrete classes.
There are several rules about abstract class.

  1. A class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function.
  2. We can have pointers and references of abstract class type.
  3. If we do not override the pure virtual function in derived class, then derived class also becomes abstract type.
  4. An abstract class can have constructors which may be used in derived class constructor to initialize base class (abstract class) member variables.
// abstract class rule1
class Base{
	int x;
    // constructor rule4
	Base(int i):x(i){}
	virtual void fun() = 0;
class Derived: public Base{
	int y;
    // constrct Base rule4
	Derived(int i, int j):Base(i),y(j){}
	void fun(){
		std::cout << "derived class\n";
int main(){
	// rule 1
	Base b; // error
	// rule2 abstract class type(polymorph)
	Base *bp = new Derived();

Send a signal to a process

Signals are software interrupts delivered to a process by the operating system. The following tutorial shows how to handle the signal by defining callback functions to manage the signal.

// signal example using c
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
void callback_handler(int signum){
	printf("Caught signal %d\n", signum);
	// do some clean up work
int main(){
	signal(SIGINT, callback_handler);
		printf("Program processing stuff here.\n");

If I wanna capture multiple signals, besides SIGINT (ctrl + c) and SIGTSTP (ctrl + z), you can choose the following, which is similar to the above:

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <atomic>
#include <csignal> // for struct sigaction
#include <cstring> // for memset
using namespace std;
class Test{
    std::thread one_;
    std::thread two_;
    static std::atomic<bool> running_;
        one_ = std::move(std::thread([this](){this->thread_one();}));
        two_ = std::move(std::thread([this](){this->thread_two();}));
        std::cout << "ctor\n";
        std::cout << "dtor" << std::endl;
    void thread_one() {
    void thread_two() {
    static void got_signal(int){

std::atomic<bool> Test::running_{true};
int main(){
    struct sigaction sa;
    memset( &sa, 0, sizeof(sa) );
    sa.sa_handler = Test::got_signal;
    sigaction(SIGTSTP, &sa, NULL);
    Test t;
    while (true) {
        // this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10));
        if(!Test::running_.load() ) break;    // exit normally after SIGINT
    return 0;

Use double in for loop

// not include 4.8, it has error
// 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6,
for(double i = 0.0; i <= 4.8; i += 0.2){
	std::cout << i << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// add min resolution 0.2 / 10, the result has 4.8
// 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 
for(double i = 0.0; i < 4.8 + 0.2 / 10; i += 0.2){
	std::cout << i << ", ";
std::cout << std::endl;

Use atan2/fabs to replace atan/abs in math.h(cmath)

The difference between atan and atan2:

// from quadrants 1 and 4.
double std::atan(double p);
//  the arctangent of all four quadrants
double std::atan2(double y, double x);
// for float
double fabs(double);
// for int
int abs(int);

Pointer as member function

If there are pointers such as char* in class member, the copy constructor and deconstructor of the class should be written explicitly.

class String {
	char* buffer;
	size_t size;
	String(const char* str) {
		size = strlen(str);
		buffer = new char[size + 1];
		memcpy(buffer, str, size);
		buffer[size] = 0;
	// copy constructor makes sure deep copy
	String(const String& src) :size(src.size), buffer(src.buffer) {
		std::cout << "copy\n";
		buffer = new char[size + 1];
		memcpy(buffer, src.buffer, size);
		buffer[size] = 0;
	char& operator[](size_t i) {
		return buffer[i];
	~String() {
		delete[] buffer;
	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const String& str);

lambda basic operation

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
//fun1 and fun2 is type
using fun1 = void(*)(int);
typedef void(*fun2)(int);
void ForEach(const std::vector<int> &v, std::function<void(int)> fun) {
    for (auto val : v)
int main() {
    std::vector<int> v{1,2,3,4,5,6};
    // multiple ways to express lambda_c
    fun1 lambda_c;
    //fun2 lambda_c;
    //std::function<void(int)> lambda_c
    lambda_c = [](int i) mutable {std::cout << i << std::endl; };
    int b = 0;
    // modify b with keyword mutable
    // lambda is a closure after capturing b
    // closure can be stored in std::function
    std::function<void(int)> lambda = [b](int i) mutable {b = 1; std::cout << i << std::endl; };
    ForEach(v,  lambda);

Use Timer C++

New a Timer class. Put start time to constructor and add end time to destructor. Ensure that you are compiling the source code at least with C++ 14.

#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
//The Timer class/structure can be reused in other classes
class Timer {
	std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> start, end;
	std::chrono::duration<float> dur;
	Timer() {
		start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
	~Timer() {
		end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		dur = end - start;
		std::cout << "Timer is " << dur.count() * 1000 << " ms" << std::endl;
void Func(int n) {
	Timer timer;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
// output: Timer is 1106.3 ms
int main() {

RAII(Resource Acquisation is Initialization)

Think carefully about copying behavior in resource-managing (RAII) classes. The common ways are:

  1. copying delete: class Mutex:private uncopyable{}; or
    class Mutex{
     Mutex(const Mutex&) = delete;
     Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&) = delete;
  2. referece counting: As far as I’m concerned, std::shared_ptr follows RAII rules. We take over it to achieve this here.
    class Mutex {
     Mutex(std::mutex* m) :m_mutex(m, [](std::mutex* p) {p->unlock(); }) {
     std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> m_mutex;

    We use std::shared_ptr to encapsulate one std::mutex to make sure mutex has RAII feature. When no resource is pointed by m_mutex, the deleter of shared_ptr is called to unlock the mutex. Thus, there is no need for user-defined deconstructor for the above class (default deconstructor is created and called by compiler). One of constructors of shared_ptr is defined as (not copy or move):

    template< class Y, class Deleter, class Alloc >
    shared_ptr( Y* ptr, Deleter d, Alloc alloc );

    Based on the definition above, another note but nothing with RAII reminds me. The code is as follow when a std::shared_ptr points C array:

    class Entity{};
    //std::shared_ptr<Entity> sp(new Entity[10], [](auto p) {delete[] p; });
    std::shared_ptr<Entity> sp(new Entity[10], [](Entity* p) {delete[] p; });

    Another RAII example but nothing with copying for std::thread is as follow. It encapusulates std::thread with class Thread object.

    class Thread {
    	std::thread m_th;
     Thread(std::thread t):m_th(std::move(t)) {}
     ~Thread() {
         if (m_th.joinable())

    More general rule for C++ copying: a variable with pointer may include two parts of resource. Whem copying it, not only itself but its pointed resource (usually heap memory) should be copyed. For variables like mutex, thread, we can forbid copying or move its owership to another one.

operator new (memory allocating) and new operator

In C++ 98, operator new will allocate memory and return a void* object without initialize the memory. new operator will allocate memory and initialize it. And another is called placement new which initialize the exiting memory with type (class) constructors. In default, C++ provides the following operator new in global scope:

void* operator new(size_t) throw(std::bad_alloc);
void* operator new(size_t, void*) throw();
void* operator new(size_t, const std::nothrow_t&) throw();

The following code describes how to use the global default operator new to allocate space and construct objects:

class Entity {
	int x, y;
	Entity() {
		std::cout << "default ctor\n";
int main() {
	// operator new allocate memory
	// not call ctor
	void * praw = operator new(sizeof(Entity));
	// initialize memory with placement new
	// cout "default ctor"
	Entity* pent = new(praw) Entity;
	// correspond to operator new
	operator delete(praw);

Another similar instance about operator new is

class Entity {
	int x, y;
    // static because calling it via Entity::operator new
	// the operator new will hide other funcs of the same
	// name outside of the scope (name-hiding rule)
    static void* operator new(size_t size){
		std::cout << "heap memory allocated\n";
		return ::operator new(size);
	Entity() {
		std::cout << "default ctor\n";
int main(){
	//default ctor
	Entity e1;
	// output: heap memory allocated\n default ctor
	Entity* e2 = new Entity;

Two Rules

  1. No virtual function, and then no dynamic type in C++98.
  2. All copying just copy object according to static type not dynamic type.
    class Entity {
     int x;
     Entity(int a):x(a) { std::cout << "Entity ctor\n"; }
     // rule 1: virtual defined function
     virtual int common() const{ return x; }
     virtual ~Entity() = default;
    class Player: public Entity {
     int k;
     Player(int a, int b) :Entity(a), k(b) { std::cout << "Player ctor\n"; }
     int common() const { return k; }
    // rule 2: pass by reference not by value
    void hello(Entity& e) {
     std::cout << e.common() << std::endl;
    int main() {
     Entity e(1);
     Player p(2, 3);

    If the above code output 3, it represents common() in Player is called. If 2 is printed, it means that of Entity is called. Only both virtual and & (reference) are existing, no copy happens and dynamic type is applied, 3 appears. cpp_copy_virtual

delete/default keyword

default can only be applied in ctor, such as copy, assignment copy and so on. delete is not only constrained to ctor. It can be applied to other functions, such as,

// forbid class creating in heap, if put in class
static void* operator new(size_t) = delete;

iterator_traits STL

Iterator is a glue binding STL algorithm such as find(), count() and STL containers such as std::vector. For deduction for all types like raw pointer, pointer to const or class pointer (iterator). The thoughts of designing iterator trait are as follow.

// container iterator
template <typename T>
struct IteratorContainer{
	T* ptr;
	IteratorContainer(T* p = nullptr): ptr(p){}
	typedef T value_type;
// STL iterator_traits
template <typename T>
struct iterator_traits{
	typedef typename T::value_type value_type;
template <typename T>
struct iterator_trait<T*>{
	typedef T value_type;
}// nothing with IteratorContainer
// algorithm
template <typename T>
iterator_traits<T>::value_type func(T t){
	return *t;
int main(){
	IteratorContainter<int> p(new int(6));
	// we need to deduct func return type:
	// iterator_traits<IteratorContainter<int>>::value_type => 
	// IteratorContainter<int>::value_type => int
	std::cout << func(p) << std::endl; // output 6
	func(new int(7)); // use iterator_traits specialization