
Posted by Bryan on July 5, 2017

解释cmake参数命令的博客 CMake Docs Link(man cmake)

Use OpenCV install not in default location

  1. Method two: set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable
    set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} "/home/inin/OpenDroneMap/Superbuild/install/share/OpenCV")
    set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} "/home/inin/OpenDroneMap/Superbuild/install/share/OpenCV")
  2. Method one: set OpenCV_DIR variable
      set(OpenCV_DIR "/home/inin/OpenDroneMap/Superbuild/install/share/OpenCV")
  3. Method complement
      message("Found OpenCV")

How package find working?

  1. First, CMAKE checks all directories in ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} for a file named FindXX.cmake.
  2. If no such file is found, it assumes the package was build with cmake and has a XXConfig.cmake file associated (You can find how to packaging with cmake). cmake expects the user to specify the location of this file by filling a cache entry called **_DIR** (this entry is created by cmake automatically), e.g. **OpenCVConfig.cmake** or **-config.cmake**. In fact, we need to define **CMAKE_PREFIXE_PATH** for stuff **not** including Find××.cmake but **××config.cmake**. No matter what mode(config:XXconfig.cmake or module:findXX.cmake) is used, the following operations will be defined:

    ALL these variables define in the Find.cmake or config.cmake file. In face, you should generate .cmake file when you write a lib, which is achieved by the following lines in file *CMakeLists.txt*. It can generate .cmake file and save it to *{CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}* or user-defined path.

    install(EXPORT <name> DESTINATION <path>)

    In Windows and MacOS, FindXX.cmake has some problems sometimes, use XXConfig.cmake instead.


pkg-config is a build-helping tool, based on .pc files that record the location of _ library files _ and _ include files _.
凡是由二进制文件(deb、源等)安装的包,都会将.pc文件放置在 {PKG-CONFIG-PATH}所包含的路径下。**××.pc**的内容一般是:指明某个包include和lib的目录。 e.g.

➜  ls /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig
➜  head -14 /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/opencv-3.3.1-dev.pc #显示前14行
Package Information for pkg-config
Name: OpenCV
Description: Open Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 3.3.1
Libs: -L${exec_prefix}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lopencv_stitching3 -lopencv_superres3 -lopencv_videostab3 -lopencv_aruco3 -lopencv_bgsegm3 -lopencv_bioinspired3 -lopencv_ccalib3 -lopencv_cvv3 -lopencv_dpm3 -lopencv_face3 -lopencv_photo3 -lopencv_fuzzy3 -lopencv_hdf3 -lopencv_img_hash3 -lopencv_line_descriptor3 -lopencv_optflow3 -lopencv_reg3 -lopencv_rgbd3 -lopencv_saliency3 -lopencv_stereo3 -lopencv_structured_light3 -lopencv_viz3 -lopencv_phase_unwrapping3 -lopencv_surface_matching3 -lopencv_tracking3 -lopencv_datasets3 -lopencv_text3 -lopencv_dnn3 -lopencv_plot3 -lopencv_xfeatures2d3 -lopencv_shape3 -lopencv_video3 -lopencv_ml3 -lopencv_ximgproc3 -lopencv_calib3d3 -lopencv_features2d3 -lopencv_highgui3 -lopencv_videoio3 -lopencv_flann3 -lopencv_xobjdetect3 -lopencv_imgcodecs3 -lopencv_objdetect3 -lopencv_xphoto3 -lopencv_imgproc3 -lopencv_core3
Libs.private: -ldl -lm -lpthread -lrt
Cflags: -I${includedir_old} -I${includedir_new}

If you wanna use pkg-config to find packages instead of find_package (depend on .cmake), you can use the following code in CMakeLists.txt. For changing pkg-config finding package path, you can set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATHor ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} And keep in mind that it is dependent on the cmake version, so it varies with cmake version and is not welcomed (based on cmake 3.5.1 here)

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
# OpenCV is <prefix>, it's ok using others
pkg_check_modules(OpenCV REQUIRED opencv)
# using pkg_search_module to replace the above is ok
# the following is similar to find_package()
target_link_libraries(<exe> <prefix>_LIBRARIES)
LINK_DIRECOTRIES("×××.so") 添加需要链接的库文件路径
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myProject hello),连接libhello.so库



**PROJECT_BINARY_DIR** 运行cmake命令的目录,通常是${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/build  
**CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH** 环境变量,非cmake变量  
**CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR** 当前处理的CMakeLists.txt所在的路径  
**CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR** target编译目录,使用ADD_SURDIRECTORY可以更改此变量值,SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH <新路径>)并不会对此变量有影响,只是改变了最终目标文件的存储路径  
**CMAKE_MODULE_PATH** 定义自己的cmake模块所在的路径,SET(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake),然后可以用INCLUDE命令来调用自己的模块  
**EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH** 重新定义目标二进制可执行文件的存放位置  
**CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE** 输出调用这个变量的CMakeLists.txt的完整路径  
**CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE** 输出这个变量所在的行  
**LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH** 重新定义目标链接库文件的存放位置  
**PROJECT_NAME** 返回通过PROJECT指令定义的项目名称  


    CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION cmake主版本号,如2.8.6中的2
    CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION cmake次版本号,如2.8.6中的8
    CMAKE_PATCH_VERSION cmake补丁等级,如2.8.6中的6
    CMAKE_SYSTEM 系统名称,例如Linux-2.6.22
    CAMKE_SYSTEM_NAME 不包含版本的系统名,如Linux
    CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 系统版本,如2.6.22
    UNIX 在所有的类UNIX平台为TRUE,包括OS X和cygwin
    WIN32 在所有的win32平台为TRUE,包括cygwin


BUILD_SHARED_LIBS 控制默认的库编译方式。如果未进行设置,使用ADD_LIBRARY时又没有指定库类型,默认编译生成的库都是静态库 (可在t3中稍加修改进行验证)
     set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -march=native -O3 -pthread")
CMAKE_FIND_DEBUG_ON 打印find_package信息


**aux_source_directory(dir var)**,查找指定目录下的所有源文件后,结果放在指定变量名中
**ADD_SURDIRECTORY(src_dir)**指明本项目包含一个子目录 src_dir,这样 src_dir 目录下的 CMakeLists.txt  
     文件和源代码也会被处理 (比如src_dir中cmakelists将自身目录编译为一个静态库\[使用add-library\],在上一级  


  • message([STATUS] “message content”)
  • e.g.
  • cmake gets a result: [WARNING]/usr/include/eigen3


  1. CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. ${CERES_INCLUDE_DIR}
    • Find the include dir: set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH ${CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH} “/home/inin/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild//install/include/”)
    • 设置include为库安装目录,解决问题
  2. Could not find a package configuration file provided by “Eigen” with any of the following names: EigenConfig.cmake eigen-config.cmake config-file and find-module
    • Tell Find*.cmake files where: set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} /home/inin/OpenDroneMap/SuperBuild/src/opensfm/opensfm/src/cmake/)
    • Tell *config.cmake(no find) files where: set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} /home/bryan/Downloads/pybind11-master/pybind11-master/build/mock_install/share/cmake/pybind11/)
    • The prefixes (directories) listed in it will be searched before the default search directories(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH), and lib/, include/ and bin/ will be appended appropriately.
  3. undefined reference
    Maybe most people met the hardship often, the basic reason is that functions have no definitions. For instance, add_executable command doesn’t add some cpp files which have definitions used in another cpp file, such as main.cpp. Sometimes, the situation happen because of no corresponding header file and source file.


cmakelists             ==>  makefile  
target_link_libraries  ==>  -l  
include_directories    ==>  -I/path  
link_directories       ==>  -L/path  

CMake provides direct support for two forms of packages, Config-file Packages and Find-module Packages. Indirect support for pkg-config packages is also provided via the FindPkgConfig module. In all cases, the basic form of find_package() calls is the same: find_package(Qt5Core 5.1.0 REQUIRED)

find_package(Qt5Core 5.1.0 CONFIG REQUIRED) //显示说明使用Config-file (more modern approach)
find_package(Qt4 4.7.0 MODULE REQUIRED) //显示说明使用find-module
  • findXXX.cmake中需要手动设置一些变量,包括_FOUND等,而config.cmake中,一旦找到包,将自动设置该变量,config.cmake是一种更高级的方法。
  • find_package() 命令会在模块路径中寻找 Find.cmake ,这是查找库的一个典型方式。首先CMake查看${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} 中的所有目录,然后再查看它自己的模块目录 /Modules/ ,这种称为模块模式。如果没找到这样的文件,会寻找 Config.cmake 或者 -config.cmake ,它们是假定库会安装的文件(但是目前还没有多少库会安装它们),这种叫做配置模式。
  • 在配置模式下,如果没有找到config.cmake,CMake expects the user to specify the location of this file by filling a cache entry called _DIR (this entry is created by CMake automatically).无论哪种模式,只要找到包,就会定义下面的这些变量,只是这些变量在findXXX.cmake中需要显示声明,在config.cmake中不需要显示声明:

Find_package自动搜索_DIR,查找config.cmake,并执行,config.cmake创建_LIBRARIES, _INCLUDE_DIRS and _DEFINES


Before talking about dynamic library loading, we should distinguish library different using time: build time and running time.
In static linking(build time), compilor uses -l lib to search lib and uses -L lib_path or LD_LIBRARY_PATH to create a list of paths outside the standard paths.
In dynamic linking(running time), program uses -r lib to search running loading lib and used -R lib or LD_LIBRARY_PATH to create a list of paths.

  1. 使用GCC编译动态链接库的项目时,在其他目录下执行很可以出现找不到动态链接库的问题。
  2. 这种情况多发生在动态链接库是自己开发的情况下,原因就是程序运行时找不到去何处加载动态链接库。
  3. 可能会说在编译时指定了链接的目录啊!编译时指定的 -L的目录,只是在程序链接成可执行文件时使用的。-L等效为link_directories或者eport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
  4. 程序执行时动态链接库加载不到动态链接库,解决办法有两种,第一程序链接时指定链接库的位置,就是使用-wl,-rpath=参数,就是链接库的路径。(Detailed explanation can be found via *ld --help | grep library*)如:
gcc -o foo foo.c -L. -lfoo -Wl,-rpath=./


gcc -o foo foo.c -L$(prefix)/lib -lfoo -Wl,-rpath=$(prefix)/lib

One other things, the -Wl, xxx option for gcc passes a comma-separated list of token as a space-separated list of arguments to the linker. So repeated instances like gcc -Wl,aaa,bbb,ccc -Wl,-rpath=. eventually becomes a linker call ld aaa bbb ccc -rpath=..
And -rpath dir means add a directory to the runtime library search path. This is used when linking an ELF executable with shared objects. All -rpath arguments are concatenated and passed to the runtime linker, which uses them to locate shared objects at runtime. It has the same function with LD_RUN_PATH.
More detailed content about gcc argument can be found in




然后执行如下命令:ldconfig, ldconfig is executed, then or or lib*.so.3.3.0 symbolic links will be created and these librarys in the location will be cached in another varible, like LD_PRELOD(not it, just an instance).

Set with keyword CACHE

set(<variable> <value>
    [[CACHE <type> <docstring> [FORCE]] | PARENT_SCOPE])

In CMake there are two types of variables: normal variables and cache variables. Normal variables are meant for the internal use of the script (just like variables in most programming languages); they are not persisted across CMake runs. Cache variables (unless set with INTERNAL) are mostly intended for configuration settings where the first CMake run determines a suitable default value, which the user can then override, by editing the cache with tools such as ccmake or cmake-gui. Cache variables are stored in the CMake cache file, and are persisted across CMake runs.

set(FOO "x") sets the normal variable FOO, then ${FOO} first search normal variable, then find cache variable if no normal variable named FOO.

  • The code set(FOO "x") sets the normal variable FOO. It does not touch the cache, but it will hide any existing cache value FOO.
  • The code set(FOO "x" CACHE …) checks for FOO in the cache, ignoring any normal variable of the same name. If FOO is in the cache then nothing happens to either the normal variable or the cache variable. If FOO is not in the cache, then it is added to the cache.
  • whenever a cache variable is added or modified by a command, CMake also removes the normal variable of the same name from the current scope so that an immediately following evaluation of it will expose the newly cached value.
  • No need to use find_library in root directory after applying set(<libname> <libvalue> CACHE STRING "description" FORCE) before or after add_library and target_link_directories in subdirectory.
    As usual, you sould add include_directories of subdirectory to root cmakelists:

Complement: set(var val CACHE) is a common way to set cmake variables and another way is cmake -Dvar=val which sets cache variable. There are lots of cmake variables you can find all of them in its website.

Load Script in CMakeLists.txt

  • Use the following commands to load python or shell scripts.
set(cmd "python")
set(generated_path "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/generated")
execute_process(COMMAND ${cmd} ""
                WORKING_DIRECTORY ${generated_path}
                RESULT_VARIABLE result_generated)

The last command means executing python in directory called “${generated_path}”. result_generated save whether true or not.

Running a command at configure time or at build time

  1. Use execute_process to run a process and access the results. The example is shown in the above header list. Simplily, the command will be executed when you type cmake .. in the terminal.
  2. Use add_custom_command to run a process to generate something like a header file. The generation happens when you run make and after his depends is complete.